RSM's experience includes the programming and design of pools for various multi-family developments and hotels across the United States. We review client property management policies and adhere to local codes to provide a design that is accessible, safe and low maintenance. We have experience designing swimming Pools and spas for roof decks, terrace levels, or inground pools. Indoors or outdoors, open spaces or tights spaces, RSM provides custom, flexible designs to meet the needs of our clients.
St. Regis Hotel
San Fransisco, CA
Renovation Myrtha Pool
Equipment Upgrades
Black Oak Casino
Tuolumne, CA
New Construction
New 2,000 SF Heated Pool with Cabo Shelf
New 250 SF Raised Spa w/ Accessible Transfer Rails
New 3,600 SF Freeform Deck - Level - Gutter Activity Pool Featuring Play Structure and Spray Features
Brooklyn Basin
Oakland, CA
New Construction
Roof Deck Vault Pool and Spa
Raised Spa w/ Accessible Transfer Rails
New Equipment
MacArthur Transit Village
Oakland, CA
New Construction
Roof Deck Geometric Vault Pool and Spa
New Equipment
Claremont Hotel
Berkeley, CA
New Construction
(2) Raised Spas w/ Accessible Transfer Rails
New Equipment
Antioch, CA
Structural Reconstruction of Failing Peninsula
Stair Tread Extension for Code Compliance
Replacement of all Skimmers and Main Drains
Replaster, Retile, New Coping Stones
Coyote Valley Casino
Redwood Valley, CA
New Pool and Spa
New Deck
New Equipment Room
New Restroom Building