Facility & Site Assessment
Facility and Site Assessment
RSM provides aquatic facility assessment services to provide information to facility owners detailed reports of observable conditions, check for code compliance, make recommended repairs and updates, and to provide estimates of probable costs associated with the recommendations. RSM's expertise includes the review and assessment of pool shell structure, pool finishes, deck and deck equipment, water recirculation and filtration systems, pool water heaters, and water chemical treatment systems. RSM's assessment reports helps owners make informed decisions on appropriate solutions for their respective facilities.


Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Study
RSM is frequently called upon by our clients and/or our design partners to study a proposed aquatic development. We review the client's concept, plan, or written program to evaluate its strengths and other areas which might be improved so that the designed facility meets the client's program objectives and budget.


Project Development
Project Development
RSM's experience assists owners through each phase of a project. During early project programming, RSM can facilitate stakeholder meetings, prepare visual aids to help generate public interest in project funding. Our experience and industry relationships allow us to provide real life cost expectations, project scheduling, and contractor availability.


RSM takes pride in our focus on meeting our clients' needs with each and every facility we design. Aquatic programming is the science of marrying the aquatic program objectives of the client with a pool design and features that meet those objectives. RSM holds that the most successful facilities are the product of first hand information provided from the end users - the team coaches, pool operators, and maintenance personnel to make sure the facility is designed to accommodate the daily demands required of it. RSM's experience includes involvement in competing, coaching, and event hosting of large water polo and swimming events, which is then incorporated into the dialogue between RSM and the end users. Our versatility covers all types aquatic sports and recreation plus rock climbing, slides, water volleyball, and everything in between. RSM services ensure that each new facility will meet our clients' needs for years to come.


Engineering Design
Engineering Design
RSM starts each project with a fresh look at the needs of each proejct. Each aquatic facility is custom designed to meet each client's objectives. Structural and mechanical calculations are performed for each pool to address each pool's site specific conditions. Our in-house engineering staff has a combined 100-plus years of design and engineering experience. Additionally, our trusted subconsultant relationships allow us to address every aspect of a facility's engineering. RSM is ready to provide feedback and recommendations regarding a system or equipment under consideration to assist our clients in making informed decisions regarding systems and equipment for each project.


Construction Administration
Construction Administration
Over the past 40 years RSM has provided construction administration services for hundreds of aquatic projects. Our team of engineers has witnessed the ever changing development of construction technologies and how they have been applied to the construction of aquatic facilities. During construction, RSM will engage with the Contractor and Owner to review the ongoing documentation which ensures that the completed project will be an asset our clients will be proud of.


Project Management
Project Management
RSM provides leadership of each project through all phases of programming, design, preparation of construction documents, and construction. The transition into construction is often overlooked. Our experience with governing jurisdictions includes permitting from the California Department of the State Architect (DSA). RSM has the experience to facilitate the bidding process of private and public projects. RSM maintains excellent working relationships with the major commercial pool contractors in the industry, which helps our clients with their funding requirements and construction scheduling.